Hawaii : all is booked

By on 4:42 AM

Yesterday was filled with tons of researching and trying to maintain a happiness amongst 4 people is not easy .... For myself and Andi i know that we would have been happy to "sleep under the bridge " as Andi told me yesterday LOL ! Not too sure if Kathleen would like that ? I think Toby wants a pool to relax near since he is injured and not even bringing his equipment ..... Yes i did look up prices for the hostel there and no Kathleen was not interested in staying there HAHAHA . Kathleen and myself began looking for hotels the moment i found out we could not get a room for all the dates we required at the other hotel ( which i won't name ) . We basically needed somewhere with a pool , parking spot , and close in proximity to the rest of our teammates ..... we settled for the Aqua Aloha Surf & Spa http://www.aquaresorts.com/our-hotel/oahu-hotels/.... cheaper prices , has a pool , close to Waikiki beach and as Google Maps put it a 33 second drive to our teammates hotel .

Along with getting our hotel booked we also finalized our plans for transportation .... i looked around the internet scouring for a really really cheap place to rent a car , so much crap to go through . When booking a vehicle they always give you a price at the end which does not include Insurance ! So obviously i spent alot of time doing the math myself , which is such a pain .... at the end of it all i decided to just book with Hertz , it is at the airport and should be simple enough to get once i arrive in Honolulu. There are tons of dodgy websites for rent a wrecks , i was not really interested in giving my info online to any of them so i settled with the more popular rental places ....

I also received news on package #3 that was to be sent to me .... apparently John did not have a goalie bag on hand for me , so he is getting one custom made and sent to his hotel in Hawaii !!!! How amazing is that ? I need a bag too , and was actually planning to go buy one this weekend .... thinking i might just hold off and take my beaten up bag there to its final resting place where i will gladly toss it away in favour of a custom made bag :) hopefully it has wheels .... now i can chill out and count the days until i leave , 8 !

Tukang Coding
Judul: Hawaii : all is booked
Review oleh: Tukang Coding | Template TreTans 1.0
Update pada: 4:42 AM | Rating: 4.5

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